
Within the scope of the research program on technologies for sustainable development (“Nachhaltig Wirtschaften”) initiated by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology, in the subprogram “Building of Tomorrow”, the City of Linz developed a method for evaluating urban development schemes, entitled “LES - Linz entwickelt Stadt!” (“Linz Develops City”).

It comprises a catalogue of target criteria for sustainable urban development that can be used for evaluating large construction projects. This criteria catalogue includes a summary of general requirements for sustainable urban development, social aspects, aspects relating to energy and environmental performance, related economic factors, and mobility issues, and is designed for easy use within a city administration structure by means of a database tool suitable for networks.

A first “sustainability check” of the solarCity was carried out with this evaluation tool following completion of the first phase of construction (at the end of 2005).

To the overview "solarCity Pichling"