Dr. Friedrich Klug

Studied at the College for World Trade (University of Economics) Vienna and at the University of Linz: commerce, business administration and business education

Teacher at the University of Linz

Director of the City Court of Audit of the Provincial Capital Linz, Senior Senate Councilor (from 1. Mai 1974 to 30. April 2009)

General Director of the Linz Lokalbahn AG Court-appointed expert for public accountancy

Bearer of the Grand Medal of Honor for Service to the Republic of Austria

Editor of the IKW publication series "Communal Research in Austria", following Dr. Ludwig Fröhler, founding rector of the University of Linz
Emphases and fields of research: public management and social economy, public spending and accountancy, public financial control and local budget management

Member of the Academic Advisory Board of the Association of Public and Cooperative Economy

Head of the Coordinating Office "Medical Studies"

On 29th June 2022 Dr. Friedrich Klug died at the age of 79.